How To Do Pull-Ups: Benefits, Correct Technique, And Variants?

Start Doing Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are challenging exercises and that is what makes them more attractive and they are available to everyone if we prepare for it. Using a good pre-workout can make a difference in your performance. For women, you should check out the reviews for Alani Nu. This could be the advantage you need in sports performance.
One of the most important points is that in order to lift the total weight of the body it is necessary to have strength in the muscles of the arm and those of the back.


If you are looking for an exercise that improves your core, your back, and the strength of your arms in record time, do not hesitate: learn how to do pull-ups.


The pull-ups will undoubtedly bring a qualitative leap to your workouts and be one of the paradigms of functionality since there is nothing more functional than lifting your own body.


It is indeed considered a demanding exercise. Still, we do not want it to be a barrier for you, so we have included a section on how to start introducing yourself to the world of pull-ups regardless of your level. We teach you how to do strict pull-ups.

What Are Chin-Ups?

The chin-ups are exercises that consist of lifting the body while it hangs from a bar. Through different grips of the hands, you start with your arms outstretched and, requesting the strength of your arms, back, and abdomen, your chin is brought to the height of the bar.

They belong to the group of self-loading exercises (in other words, exercises that use your body weight as load) with the characteristic that, in this case, the load is, in general, the total body weight, so a certain level and control are required of the muscles that are worked in the exercise.
We have often spoken of physical activity as an indispensable tool of the human being for its survival.

Benefits Of Pull-Ups

The chin-ups are an excellent strength exercise; it is complete and works one of the weak points of many users, the mobility of the shoulder girdle.

Because we spend many hours sitting in front of the computer in a static arm position, our shoulders become rigid, not mobile, and our shoulder blade neither moves easily nor can function as the powerful anchor of forces for which it was designed.

You get strong. Pull-ups are a highway to recovery and improvement of your muscle proportion. As we have commented during this exercise, you mobilize the weight of your body in each repetition, so your body has no choice but to get closer to the best version of itself to perform this exercise.

Doing pull-ups puts you squarely at a high level of fitness. You will see that many people in your environment are not able to perform a single repetition.

Work the core, improve your figure and the balance of your muscles. All in one, the back muscles are the least worked, and the chin-ups work almost entirely (see next section of muscles worked); it also stabilizes the trunk and requires abdominal strength, so after the chin-ups, you will see a toned body with more balanced musculature.

Improve your posture and reduce back pain. Due to the special care taken during the execution of this exercise, the back acquires a straight posture during each repetition, and the arms can be fully extended above your head. If you have a curved back, you will see how your posture improves, and lower back pain relieves as the vertebrae decompress.

How To Do Pull-Ups: Benefits, Correct Technique, And Variants?
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